小编 2024-07-24 07:43:47

a few和a little区别用于什么句中(a few和a little的用法)

little和a little,few和a few的区别,都是什么意思?怎么区分?后面加什么?

  • little: 用于不可数名词前,表达“很少的、几乎没有”的意思。通常用在否定句或疑问句中,表示不满足的情况或询问数量。例如:"Is there any milk left?" "Just a little."
  • a little: 也用于不可数名词前,但表达“一点儿、少量”的积极意义。用在肯定句中,表示虽然不多,但是有一些。例如:"I have a little money, we can buy something."
  • few: 用于可数名词的复数形式前,表示“很少的、几乎没有”。通常用在否定句或疑问句中,表示不满足的情况或询问数量。例如:"He has few friends here, so he feels lonely."
  • a few: 用于可数名词的复数形式前,表示“一些、几个”的积极意义。用在肯定句中,表示虽然不多,但是有一些。例如:"I have a few books, you can borrow one."

总的来说,“little”和“few”通常用于表示不满足的情况或询问数量,而“a little”和“a few”则用于表示有一些,虽然不多,但是足够的情况。

little和a little,few和a few使用场景例句,怎么用?

  • little: "I'm sorry, but we have little time left for this project." (对不起,但我们剩下的时间不多了。)
  • a little: "Don't worry, take a deep breath and relax. You have a little more time to finish the test." (别担心,深呼吸,放松。你还有一点时间完成测试。)
  • few: "He's new in town and has few friends, so he often feels isolated." (他刚搬到这个城市,没几个朋友,所以他经常感到孤立。)
  • a few: "I've read a few pages of the book, and it seems really interesting." (我已经读了这本书的几页,它看起来真的很有趣。)


  1. I have _______ friends in this city, so I feel quite lonely.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

  1. There is only _______ milk left in the fridge, we need to buy some more.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

  1. He is so popular in his class because he has _______ friends.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

  1. Although she's just a beginner, she knows _______ about gardening.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little


  1. A. few
  2. C. little
  3. B. a few
  4. D. a little

little和a little,few和a few 用法之常见错误

  • little 和 a little: 可能会混淆“little”和“a little”的使用。需要注意“little”通常用在不太满意的情境下,而“a little”表示虽然数量不多,但是有一些,是肯定的。
  • few 和 a few: 同样,可能会混淆“few”和“a few”的使用。“few”通常用在不太满意的情境下,表示数量很少,而“a few”表示有一些,是肯定的。
  • 可数与不可数名词: “little”和“a little”用于不可数名词前,而“few”和“a few”用于可数名词的复数形式前。需要注意区分可数名词和不可数名词。



最后修改于 2024-07-24
