小编 2024-04-21 16:34:50

at the moment用于什么时态(at the moment的含义和用法总结)

一:at the moment是什么意思,at the moment的用法及例句的意思:

at the moment是什么意思,at the moment的用法及例句

at the moment是一个英语短语,意为“此刻、目前、现在”。它通常用来表示某个动作或状态正在进行或发生,强调当前的时刻。在句子中,它可以作为副词短语出现,也可以作为介词短语出现。


1. 作为副词短语使用时,at the moment可以放在句首或句末。:

- At the moment, I am busy with my work.(此刻我正忙于我的工作。)

- I am busy with my work at the moment.(我此刻正在忙于我的工作。)

2. 作为介词短语使用时,通常后面会跟着一个动词的ing形式。:

- She is studying at the moment.(她此刻正在学**。)

- They are having a meeting at the moment.(他们此刻正在开会。)

3. at the moment也可以用来指代某个具体的时间点,表示“在...时候”。:

- At the moment of impact, I closed my eyes.(在撞击的那一刻,我闭上了眼睛。)


1. At the moment, I am watching a movie.


2. I can't talk to you right now, I am busy at the moment.


3. The train is arriving at the moment.


4. At the moment, I am not sure if I can attend the party.


5. He is not available at the moment, can I take a message for him?



1. currently:意为“当前、目前”,与at the moment意思相近,但语气更正式。

- Currently, she is working on a new project.


2. presently:意为“目前、即将”,也可以表示“马上、立刻”。与at the moment用法类似,但语气更正式。

- The meeting will start presently.


3. right now:意为“此刻、现在”,与at the moment用法类似,但语气更口语化。

- Can you come over right now?


4. at present:意为“当前、目前”,与at the moment用法相同,但更正式。

- At present, we are facing some challenges.




最后修改于 2024-04-21
